As an activity during my Geomicrobiology course in Fall 2019, students wrote acticles for the science communication website Sciworthy ( Here is a pdf of the class assignment, and below are links to published articles from students in my class:


This activity helped inspire Sciworthy’s Professor Parnership Program. Please contact Gina Misra if you’d like to use Sciworthy as a teaching tool in your classroom. You are welcome to use my assignment materials to adapt this activity for your course, and I encourage you to contact me at if you’d like to discuss how this worked from the instructors perspective.

Below are results from an informal end-of-term survey that I administered to get feedback on the activity and hear whether students felt it helped with their final paper topics and comprehension of primary scientific literature. (Recieved 10/13 reponses. Results are shared with student's permission.)

Link to survey results